As the number of employer student loan assistance programs continues to grow, more and more borrowers can get a bit of extra help on their student debt.
Due to the unique nature of these company programs, they can complicate student loan repayment strategy. This problem falls firmly into the category of good problems to have. However, it is still vital for borrowers to consider different techniques to get the most out of their employer programs.
All borrowers should investigate these programs when starting a new job.
Employer Student Loan Repayment Assistance Basics
No employer is generous enough to pay off their employee’s student loans in full. Instead, employers will typically pay a monthly stipend to employees for use towards their student debt.
Many of these employer contributions share similar characteristics:
- A monthly cap – Employee student debt may be huge, but there is a fixed amount each month that most employers are willing to pay.
- A lifetime cap – Not all employers have a lifetime cap, but many will only allow enrollment in the program for a set term of years. Others have a fixed total payment number that they will not exceed.
- Percentage Matching – Some employers will only pay a portion of the monthly bill. For example, an employer who pays 50% would cover $100 on a $200 per month student loan bill.
Finally, many employers will require some form of verification of the borrower’s monthly student loan bill.
Know the Rules
Because there are many possible rules for employer plans, understanding the exact terms is critical.
Within the confines of any individual employer’s rules, it may be possible for borrowers to tweak their loans to come out ahead.
Changing repayment plans – Many student loans, federal and private, have repayment plan choices. Borrowers who have unused employer benefits may be better off by picking a more aggressive repayment plan. For example, if an employer will pay $300 per month, but a borrower’s monthly student loan bill is only $150, the borrower can pick a plan with a higher monthly payment to maximize the benefit at work.
Similarly, a borrower whose monthly payment far exceeds the employer’s assistance may be better off picking a longer repayment plan. This lowers the loan’s monthly payment, meaning the employer will be paying a greater portion of the employee’s monthly bill. However, this strategy can tricky for borrowers as increasing the repayment length can result in more interest spending over the life of the loan.
Utilizing Refinancing Options – The traditional advantage of student loan refinancing is the ability to get a lower interest rate. However, a refinance can also help borrowers get the most out of an employer assistance program. Most refinance companies offer student loan refinancing is 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20-year terms. By utilizing a student loan refinance company’s services, a borrower can tweak repayment to get the most out of an employer assistance program. Refinancing at a shorter repayment length will also help secure lower interest rates.
Don’t assume that coworkers understand the rules of the program or how to utilize it best. Many otherwise intelligent people may not be financially savvy. The best approach may be different for two people in the same job. This is something that everyone should evaluate on their own.
Getting Employers to Offer Assistance
Sadly, many employers do not offer any student loan benefits. The good news is that many more employers may start offering student loan repayment assistance, thanks to some new legislation.
Employers are now allowed to contribute up to $5,250 tax-free towards an employee’s student debt. The legislation lasts until at least 2025.
Employees trying to convince their employer to offer a student loan assistance program would be wise to focus on the company’s benefits rather than for the employee. That starts with a discussion on recruiting top talent. Finding skilled employees can be a considerable challenge. Offering student loan assistance will attract college-educated talent. These programs also help employers retain employees.
Maximizing Employer Student Loan Assistance
Stretching out repayment length may mean an employer pays a larger portion of your student loan bill. However, the extra interest spending over the loan’s life may end up costing the borrower more. Spending $2 to save a dollar is never a wise decision.
Keep in mind that employer programs are almost always subject to change. At any point, an employer may change the rules or add new lifetime contribution limits. Don’t bank on employer contributions being a certainty. Employers may change their minds, and employees can find themselves in new jobs.
Finally, take advantage of the program but not your employer. If employers feel taken advantage of or begin to think that it is a bad investment, they will discontinue the program. Alienating an employer to save a few extra bucks each month is usually a mistake.