Assuming the Worst About Student Loans Could Be an Expensive Mistake
Despite political posturing, major overhauls to established programs face significant hurdles. Avoiding panic-driven decisions can save you money and stress.
Despite political posturing, major overhauls to established programs face significant hurdles. Avoiding panic-driven decisions can save you money and stress.
Deferments and forbearances are risky and most borrowers can usually find better options available. However, not all are created equal, and some present borrowers with unique opportunities.
In a few weeks, a little known deadline will pass and many borrowers will miss out on a great opportunity for quicker student loan forgiveness.
Borrowers on SAVE will soon have political and legal protections that should keep the repayment plan available for many years to come.
Before borrowers embark on student loan payment strikes, they should consider their strategy’s potential effectiveness and other available options.
The federal student loan on-ramp minimizes the dangers of missing payments after the repayment restart, but it doesn’t mean borrowers should skip payments.
Irresponsible borrowers often get blamed for the student loan crisis. In reality, borrowers are often the biggest victims of a deeply flawed system.
Scientists have found that brain development isn’t nearly finished by age 18. Should this impact how we treat borrowers and student loans?
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