Student Loan Forgiveness: 6 Reasons Your Balance Still Matters
Even if forgiveness is on the table, factors like taxes, income changes, and marriage can affect how much you ultimately pay.
Even if forgiveness is on the table, factors like taxes, income changes, and marriage can affect how much you ultimately pay.
As inflation has slowed, student loan interest rates have also lowered. Borrowers with higher interest rate loans may find the current options particularly appealing.
SAVE’s litigation may drag on, but it’s creating a savings window for savvy borrowers. Learn how to make this interest pause work for you.
Whether you are struggling or cruising to debt elimination, there are options to get a lower interest rate.
A small change to the IDR payment options has created an opportunity for borrowers to get student loan interest relief.
Oustside of a couple exceptions, most borrowers will want to steer clear of student loan refinancing while interest rates are high.
The conventional wisdom is that extra payments to eliminate debt is the best approach. For federal student loans, these extra payments are often a mistake.
When picking a student loan refinance solution, it is essential to think about your other financial goals. Opting for a flexible choice is often the safest bet.
The federal student loan on-ramp minimizes the dangers of missing payments after the repayment restart, but it doesn’t mean borrowers should skip payments.