Help! My Federal Loan Servicer Won’t Do Its Job
Getting assistance from your federal student loan servicer isn’t always easy, but borrowers can force the issue in several different ways.
Getting assistance from your federal student loan servicer isn’t always easy, but borrowers can force the issue in several different ways.
Federal student loan servicing has been a disaster for borrowers and taxpayers. It doesn’t have to be.
Three different names in less than a decade, and the only constant has been poor customer service.
Many scams try to take advantage of the uncertainty caused by FedLoan Servicing ending their contract with the Department of Education.
MyFedLoan exiting student loan servicing means headaches for borrowers. However, some issues are avoidable.
Borrowers usually can’t prevent a student loan servicer transfer or a student loan company change, but they can avoid headaches.
Wells Fargo stops student loan lending and transfers all student loans to new servicers and investors in exit from the student loan business.
Navient doesn’t like releasing cosigners, but there are ways to remove a cosigner from your Navient loan.
There are several different strategies available for Firstmark Services borrowers to reduce interest rates and get lower monthly payments.